
TeamSnap supports about two dozen different color themes. Users on Premium or Ultra plans can customize the web app UI with one of these themes. The Club & League product and Hockey Canada integration also use theme files to differentiate themselves from the core TeamSnap product. See our full set of themes here.

Use the Theme Select in the menu to view theme colors:




Text Color Link Color

UI Examples

These are just a few examples. Click through Components in the menu to see how each responds to the different themes.

Heading 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque imperdiet mauris vitae enim sollicitudin mattis. Integer sapien ex, congue et dictum vitae, porta vitae felis. Suspendisse tortor odio, elementum id gravida non, malesuada vel nisl.

Panel Header

Jizoibu Dezgefhe

Sub miz te cu nu.

Tituj Ragpu

Pew upgib luukire op ulojum.

Pil Kokkaf

Ho sakwa daaw do dimehse.