Basic .Input
element for styling <input>
<input class="Input" type="text" placeholder="Basic Input">
modifier creates a taller input with a larger font-size that corresponds with other large elements (button, select). Good for mobile screens since it has a 16px font size and won't cause the screen to zoom.
<input class="Input Input--large" type="text" placeholder="Large Input">
<label class="u-block u-spaceBottomXs u-fontSizeLg">Password:</label>
<div class="u-posRelative">
<input class="Input Input--large Input--showHide" type="password" placeholder="8+ characters">
<button type="button" class="Input-showHideButton">
<div class="u-spaceTopLg">
<label class="u-block u-spaceBottomXs ">Password:</label>
<div class="u-posRelative">
<input class="Input Input--showHide" type="password" placeholder="8+ characters">
<button type="button" class="Input-showHideButton">