
SUIT CSS Flexbox Utilities

Available Classes


  • u-flex - Create a flex container
  • u-flexInline - Create an inline flex container


  • u-flexRow - Displays items in a row
  • u-flexRowReverse - Reverses items in a row
  • u-flexCol - Display items in a column
  • u-flexColReverse - Reverses items in a column


  • u-flexWrap - Wrap items onto another line when space allows
  • u-flexNoWrap - Force items to stay on one line
  • u-flexWrapReverse - Wrap items and reverse direction


  • u-flexJustifyStart - Align items at the start of the main axis
  • u-flexJustifyEnd - Align items at the end of the main axis
  • u-flexJustifyCenter - Align items at the center of the main axis
  • u-flexJustifyBetween - Items have space between each other on main axis
  • u-flexJustifyAround - Items have space around each other on main axis


  • u-flexAlignItemsStretch - Items stretch to fill container
  • u-flexAlignItemsStart - Cross-start margin edge of the items is placed on the cross-start line
  • u-flexAlignItemsEnd - Cross-end margin edge of the items is placed on the cross-end line
  • u-flexAlignItemsCenter - Items are centered in the cross-axis
  • u-flexAlignItemsBaseline - Items have their baselines aligned on the cross axis


  • u-flexAlignContentStart - Items are packed to the start of the container
  • u-flexAlignContentEnd - Items are packed to the end of the container
  • u-flexAlignContentCenter - Items are packed to the centre of the container
  • u-flexAlignContentStretch - Lines stretch to take up the remaining space
  • u-flexAlignContentBetween - Lines evenly distributed; first and last lines at container edge
  • u-flexAlignContentAround - Lines evenly distributed with equal space around each line


  • u-flexAlignSelfStart - Aligns single item at cross axis start
  • u-flexAlignSelfEnd - Aligns single item at cross axis end
  • u-flexAlignSelfCenter - Aligns single item at cross axis centre-
  • u-flexAlignSelfStretch - Stretches single item from cross start to end
  • u-flexAlignSelfAuto - Uses the default set by align-items


  • u-flexOrderFirst - Positions an item at the start
  • u-flexOrderLast - Positions an item at the end
  • u-flexOrderNone - Sets item order to the default of 0


  • u-flexGrow1 - Specify how much the flex item will grow relatively
  • u-flexGrow0 - Stop an element from growing and overriding shrink


X can be any of the following numbers: 0, 1

  • u-flexShrinkX - Specify how much the flex item will shrink relatively


Used to override other utilities and tweak how space is distributed.

  • u-flexBasisAuto
  • u-flexBasis0

flex shorthand

  • u-flexInitial - Sizes the item based on the width/height properties
  • u-flexAuto - Sizes the item based on the width/height properties, but makes them fully flexible, so that they absorb any free space along the main axis.
  • u-flexNone - Sizes the item according to the width/height properties, but makes the flex item fully inflexible. Similar to initial, except that flex items are not allowed to shrink, even in overflow situations.

Aligning with auto margins

  • u-flexExpand - Expand all margins to fill remaining space
  • u-flexExpandTop - Expand top margin to fill remaining space
  • u-flexExpandRight - Expand right margin to fill remaining space
  • u-flexExpandBottom - Expand bottom margin to fill remaining space
  • u-flexExpandLeft - Expand left margin to fill remaining space